Instaladores certificados por Huawei.
Huawei se renueva y optimiza el ciclo de vida de la generación de energía fotovoltaica. Mediante la integración de la tecnología fotovoltaica, la tecnología digital y la tecnología de Internet de vanguardia, su solución inteligente FusionSolar resulta eficiente, fácil de instalar, segura y fiable, lo que permite lograr un mejor retorno de la inversión con mayores rendimientos y menor coste de mantenimiento.
Su tecnología presenta un potencial innovador que nos captó desde el primer momento. Por ello decidimos apostar por esta marca mundialmente conocida y sus dispositivos especializados para energía solar fotovoltaica.
Tras una jornada de formación con Huawei en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid ofrecida por amarA, obtuvimos el certificado de Instaladores certificados por Huawei. Esperamos poder ofrecer mayores garantías a nuestros clientes y que comprueben por ellos mismos el potencial de estos productos.
Inversor Huawei
Crusol es un estudio de ingeniería y una empresa instaladora en baja tensión especializada en energías renovables.
Integramos sistemas para autoconsumo en viviendas, comunidades y empresas realizando un estudio completamente personalizado para ofrecer la solución más óptima para cada cliente.
Si tienes dudas, infórmate sobre los servicios que ofrecemos y no dudes en contactarnos.
Más información sobre Crusol en nuestros perfiles de redes sociales: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter o LinkedIn.
Throughout our whole lives we have been bathing in the Mar Menor, enjoying great moments and memories with our family and friends. Over these last years we have been able to witness along with all the people close to these waters, the decline it has suffered. For this reason, we wanted to vindicate and actively participate in the demonstration by distributing 100 banners made with our own hands among the attendees. Contributing our two cents as a local company in addition to our personal commitment of caring for the planet and the environment.
Renewable energy is a solution to greatly reduce environmental pollution and the Mar Menor is the tip of the iceberg. Change is not easy, but we are always getting closer and we are sure that together we will reach our goal. At Crusol we plan to do everything in our power to promote the use of clean energy in such a way that it does not pose an economic problem for the population, in fact the complete opposite, a solution.
Save money by taking care of the environment, find out about our services and do not hesitate to contact us.
More information about Crusol in our social network profiles:: Instagram, Facebook o LinkedIn.
Other events.
Durante toda nuestra vida hemos estado bañándonos en el Mar Menor, disfrutando de grandes momentos y recuerdos con nuestras familiar y amigos.
A lo largo de estos últimos años hemos podido apreciar, junto a todas las personas cercanas a estas aguas, el declive que ha sufrido.
Por ello, quisimos revindicar y participar de forma activa en la manifestación. Repartimos más de 100 pancartas hechas con nuestras propias manos entre todos los asistentes.
Un pequeño granito de arena que aportamos como empresa local, además de nuestro compromiso personal hacia el cuidado del planeta y del medio ambiente.
La energía renovable es una solución para reducir en gran medida la contaminación del medio ambiente. El Mar Menor es la punta del iceberg.
El cambio no es fácil, pero cada vez estamos más cerca y entre todos seguro que lo conseguiremos.
Desde Crusol pensamos hacer todo lo que esté en nuestras manos para fomentar el uso de energías limpias. Que estas energías no supongan un problema económico para la población, si no todo lo contrario, una solución.
SOS Mar Menor Participación de Crusol
Únete al cambio con nosotros, piensa en el cuidado del medio ambiente, infórmate sobre nuestros servicios y no dudes en contactarnos.
Más información sobre Crusol en nuestros perfiles de redes sociales: Instagram, Facebook o LinkedIn.
Crusol projects and installations:
Here we leave you with an article published in “La Verdad” from when we decided to launch the company to the world.
Two UPCT alumni create a photovoltaic solar energy company.
Two recent graduates from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) have created a photovoltaic projects and installations company. In it they offer three-dimensional (3-D) recreations of how the panels look once they are installed, a 25-year forecast of electricity bills and options for leasing and early purchase of electrical surpluses.
Gonzalo Cruzado and Miguel Martínez explained in a statement that Decree 244/19, which regulates electric self-consumption, «has opened a world of opportunities» for neighbourhood communities, companies, educational centres and private homes.
The first of the former students pointed out that, for the first time it is «more profitable to generate your own electricity than to buy it.» This is why it advocates changing the paradigm of the energy system, so that «cities stop being electrical sinks and become energy generators.»
Electric cars
A transformation that will be even more necessary in the near future, according to entrepreneurs, because the «boom» in electric cars will require customers to become producers.
Gonzalo has a degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering from the UPCT, in which Miguel Martínez studied a degree in Engineering in Industrial Technologies and a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering. His latest company is already signing contracts and closing projects for photovoltaic installations in industrial buildings and neighbouring communities.
Community self-consumption (previously prohibited and penalized) and the possibility of selling surplus energy will make companies more competitive. Both see an enormous opportunity for schools, which have large available areas as well as large periods without consumption to capitalize on the surplus energy generated.
«The prices of equipment have vastly dropped. There is no need to invest in batteries anymore, since the excess electricity can be directed back into the grid«. Miguel explained It’s calculated that the amortization periods of these installations are between 6 and 8 years, depending on the installed power and consumption patterns.
Consumption guidelines
«The important thing is to create customised installations, to match the curve of daily photovoltaic generation to that of consumption,». This is to explain the graduates of the Polytechnic Institution. In their company they have software that allows them to instantly know the hourly consumption patterns in neighbouring communities.
Crusol is located in the European Business and Innovation Centre of Cartagena (CEEIC), in the Cabezo Beaza industrial estate. Where in addition to providing office space they have received advice from the projects industry 4.0 coordinator, José Carlos García.
«In addition to the training obtained at the Polytechnic University. The courses taught by the College of Industrial Technical Engineers have been very useful to us,» said Gonzalo Cruzado.
Find out about our services and do not hesitate to contact us.
More information about Crusol in our social media profiles: Instagram, Facebook o LinkedIn.