National Electricity System. Sustainable cities and COVID-19
Traditionally, conventional power plants are located on the outskirts of cities, away from consumers, due to the risks and pollution associated with their operation. The electricity generated is transported through high, medium and low voltage lines to our homes. The national electrical system is the most complex and perfect machine that Spain possess, since it allows us to use electricity generated thousands of kilometres away and interconnect various systems with the push of a button. With technological advances, figures such as sustainable cities or smart cities emerge, which allow equipping cities with self-management mechanisms for infrastructure, among other aspects.
Problems of the national electrical system.
This system has made us grow as a country, but it presents certain problems such as its high cost and the origins of the energy. Spain is an energy dependent country (it consumes more than it generates) and, after the arrival of COVID-19, some conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, this crisis makes it clear that any threat is possible and can occur at any time. Second, we are not prepared as a country to endure these situations. If, for example, an oil crisis arose in the future, it would cause a significant increase in the price of electricity.
We are currently at a turning point. For the first time in history, producing your own energy is more profitable than demanding it from the grid. In addition, self-consumption avoids market variations due to uncontrollable factors, turning the country into a self-sufficient system.
Spain is obligated to becoming a renewable country to ensure its energy survival which is why cities must stop being energy sinks and start being self-sufficient. The cost of photovoltaic panels has decreased by 80% in the last 10 years thanks to technological advances and the development of this technology. Now that price is not an issue, it is the responsibility of the citizens to make the country’s energy transition possible.
The energy generated from self-consumption is exempt from tolls and taxes, in addition to being of renewable origin.
The solution for cities.
Collective self-consumption is one of the best solutions for cities. Small photovoltaic systems placed on the rooftops of buildings that supply neighbours and common areas their electricity. This modality is a novelty of Royal Decree 244/2019 and allows the use of the same self-consumption system for more than one consumer. At Crusol, we are specialists in these types of systems, being the first company that has carried out one in the city of Cartagena.
MurciaEconomía article:
If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to leave a comment. If you are interested in self-consumption or how to implement it in your neighbourhood community, do not hesitate to contact us.
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